Evil Cult Is Evil

Cain and Abel

Some people still think I’m engaging in hyperbole when I describe the contemporary Left as a Death Cult.

They cling to that opinion despite the Left embracing child sacrifice and mutilation as sacraments. And that was before they started being open about murdering people they disagree with.

Now, a Twitter user with aptitudes for psychology and political science has discovered published data which indicate that the Death Cult is, in fact, evil.

Cult Data 1

Not that this is inventing the wheel. Author John C. Wright identified envy as the Left’s besetting vice years ago. The Z Man was the first to my knowledge to call them a death cult.

They were just reporting what their eyes and ears told them.

But now we have the data.

Cult Data 2

Defining the Left as a political ideology whose main focus is wealth redistribution is kind of a BoomerCon trope. But tropes exist for a reason. And the evidence does show that Leftists – to the extent they’re interested in taking money; not of slavish moral dictation, from billionaires – are motivated by envy.

Cult Data 3

Here’s another Death Cult stereotype – this time, about stereotypes – confirmed. Everybody’s known for years that the Cultists project their depravity onto normal people.

I’m often asked why anyone would join a cult that requires adherents to constantly jump through a series of flaming moral hoops that change size and position from moment to moment.

That ability to project – or rather, confirmation of that projection – is a major reason. Every member of the Death Cult started by hating herself. The new secular religion gives her permission to scapegoat normal people for her sins and feel secure in her moral superiority. That’s a hell of a drug.

One consequence of Death Cult projection is the phenomenon of everyone else having the Cultists’ number, while the Cultists maintain delusions about normal people that are 180 degrees from reality.

In the final analysis, Death Cult membership gives cultists free rein to lie without shame.

It’s not just that the Cult’s leaders say, “OK, lying is no longer a sin. We’re striking that one from the list.”

What they’ve done is turn lying in service to the Cult into a virtue.

Not just lacking qualms about, but having a fervent eagerness to lie, may be the Cultists’ defining feature. That’s why we see them tell outlandish big fish stories again and again.

That is not a recipe for a functional civilization. But it gets worse.

Cult Heatmap

To break the above image down for you, the colors show strength of solidarity, while the circles show distance from the in-group. Immediate family, neighbors, coworkers, etc. are near the center of the map. Strangers, foreigners, animals, and space aliens occupy the outer rings.

See for yourself. Death Cultists care more about aliens than their own kids. And, as frequent readers of this blog know, aliens are just demons. So the map makes all kinds of sense.

Now do you understand why these people always try to seize the moral high ground? On the inside, they know they’re guilty of sin – as we all are. But then they get up on the social media soapbox and say, “This sin is actually a great moral good, so I’m good, and anyone who disagrees with me is evil.”

It’s a diabolical inversion. And letting those inversions stand serves no one but Satan.

But the sad fact is that normal people have been too paralyzed by our besetting sin of cowardice. We’ve let the Cultists claim the moral high ground so many times, they’ve succeeded at inverting public morals.

That’s why we can’t let these inversions go unchallenged.

At the same time, we have to be careful. As a commenter said recently, the Cult only has to win once to degrade civilization. Well, they’ve won countless times. So they wield a lot of power.

Arguing online to oWn tHe LiBz just gives them a villain in their perpetual morality play to throw tomatoes at. Don’t don the devil horns.

Instead, undermine a Cultist’s attempt to hijack and subvert Christian morality – and it’s always Christian morality – by calling her bluff.

The Witch Test has been a spiritual battle-tested and proven method of pulling the rug out from under Death Cultists for years. Familiarize yourself with it. Learn to apply it correctly. And use it on every valid subject you come across.

You’ll find more detailed instructions in my #1 best selling book.

Read it now:

Don't Give Money to People Who Hate You


  1. Malchus

    This research confirms two things I have long believed about the Cultists.

    1: Leftist celebrities are told they are moral authorities, so they project their moral failings onto others. This is why so many Hollywood celebrities give speeches about how you shouldn’t rape people or pressure your employees into horrible acts.

    2: As no less than C.S. Lewis discusses in The Screwtape Letters, the cultists can’t claim moral high ground while being uncharitable so all of their declared charity is for people they have never met and have no way to help, but it’s enough to give then license to be awful to people they actually interact with. The end result being that they rail constantly about the plight of the poor without lifting a finger to help Joe and his family down the street who are one missed check away from disaster. After all, they go to church and homeschool their kids, so they probably voted for Trump. It’s also why they tell people to bundle up for a harsh winter, because we’re too busy saving the planet to make sure your house has things like the ability to melt ice.

    • Rudolph Harrier

      I remember reading a story (though I don’t remember it clearly enough to even guess at the author) where a woman continually sent money to help missionaries in Africa while her own children needed her aid. But at least she actually was helping someone, even if she was shirking her duty as a mother.

      Actually, that’s probably a generational gap issue: “Saving the world” by helping people you can’t see while leaving your friends and relatives flounder is peak Boomer. They often even pride themselves on it, “it shows how selfless I am that I don’t know the people I’m helping” and all that. But Millennials take it one step further. Rather than helping people far away rather than people close by, they help ideals, rather than any individual. Which usually means doing nothing .

      • It’s an inversion of the Christian principle of charity. God placed our family, friends, and neighbors close to us so we can help them first. Charity begins at home.

      • CantusTropus

        You may be remembering Mrs. Jellyby, a character from Charles Dickens’ “Bleak House”. I remember her because I recently had the misfortune of running into a Wignat who used her name as a slur towards, well, presumably everyone less devoted to White Identitarianism than him, but at least in this specific case the vice identified is one that the modern West actually possesses.

  2. As an example of what the cult does to you: https://twitter.com/Bolverk15/status/1585282981840785410

    You can’t look at garbage like this and think it’s normal, unless you’ve already been mind-killed. This would have looked embarrassing to any normal person as little as a decade ago and really shows how we’ve been conditioned to accept the pathetic and disgusting as natural and common.

    • Xaver Basora

      Are those the union negotiators for the Starbucks workers?

      If so, good Lord! We’re led by petulant imbecils and morons.

  3. Well, whattya know? I *should* trust The Science! 😀

    Seriously, I’ve experienced a lot more peace having detached from the pop-cult outrage cycle. I have no trouble believing Envy is the Cult’s motivating mortal sin because it’s clear that their main target slated for destruction is other people’s peace; and for a long time turning beloved pop-cult franchises into figurative middle-fingers to the fans that made them great in the first place has been an effective tool.

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